Tally up your score

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Congratulations on finishing The Artemis Rescue. Hopefully you have been keeping your score this whole time.  The final points awarded come from the time you spent playing the game from the beginning of the timer to the end. If you didn’t time your game, but still want to see how you stand with the points, add 50pts to your score and skip down to the score chart below.

Completed in under 60 minutes = earn 50pts

Completed in 60 minutes to 90 minutes = earn 40pts

Completed in 90 minutes to 120 minutes = earn 30pts

Completed in 120 minutes to 150 minutes = earn 20pts

Completed in 150 minutes to 180 minutes = earn 10pts

Score Chart:

0 – 50 points – Star Cadet

51 – 70 points – Starliner Pilot

71-90 points – Star Captain

91 – 110 points – Galactic Bounty Hunter

111 – 140 points –  Star Hero

141 – 170 points – Galactic Explorer

171 – 190 points – Galactic Legend

191+ points  --  Supreme Galactic Leader

Thank you for playing The Artemis Rescue, we hope you enjoyed it! For most subscribers, next month, we have Journey to Atlantis or Escape from Dracula’s Castle, depending on your subscription type / renewal dates. If you are not a subscriber, you can do so by clicking HERE.

If you just want to check out some of our back catalog, you can do so HERE.

Please consider filling out the following survey to help us improve our games. We enter all survey participants in a drawing each quarter to win free prizes.