The Story Thus Far


The Story Thus Far

Below you will find story information about previous boxes. Each section will contain plot spoilers, but no spoilers for actual puzzles in the game. These plots are not necessary to know to play any of the games.  This section is only here for those who want to learn more about the overarching story.

We suggest avoiding this page if you plan on buying retired boxes, but we leave that up to you to decide.

The Characters

So far in our story, you have played Five protagonists through multiple boxes: the detective, the agent, the explorer, the reporter and the traveler.

Detective boxes in storyline order (not in the order they were released) – Sleight of Hand, Temple of the Sky Gods, A Mardi Gras Mystery, Anastasia: The Lost Princess, Orient Express, Storyteller box I, Storyteller box II, and the upcoming Legend of the Yeti.

Traveler boxes in storyline order (not in the order they were released) – Sleepy Hollow Box 1, 2, 3, The Emerald Isle, Escape from Nottingham Jail, The Last Viking, and The Sorcerer’s Legacy.

The Agent boxes in storyline order: The Agency, Welcome to Wilde World, Maui’s Curse, Tall Tales, The Forbidden Temple, Escape the 90s Mall, and The Dinosaur Heist.

The Explorer boxes in storyline order: Werewolf’s Call, Journey to Atlantis, Kingdom of the Sirens

The only Reporter box so far is The Harvest Festival, but more are coming up soon with The Search for One-Eyed Jack’s Treasure.

The Artemis Rescue is the only game we have released so far where you do not play as one of these main characters.

Plot Summaries (Will be updated with new website soon)

Plot summaries will be added after each box leaves circulation. We have three cohorts of subscribers, so some customers will get certain boxes later than others. Once a box makes it through every cohort, a new story synopsis will be put here.

+ A Mardi Gras Mystery

In this adventure, you found the recipe for a King Cake; there were only a few takeaways from this game that tie into the overall plotline. You were left a mysterious set of coordinates, and the second one would be a game spoiler so that, so, we will leave that one out.

+ Anastasia: The Lost Princess

In this game, you were hired by a mysterious PETER GILLIARDOV to help free Anastasia, princess of Russia and thought to have been executed by the Bolsheviks, from the Winter Palace. You discovered that she was no longer in the palace, but after reviewing a film left behind, you learn some dangerous secrets. Peter is none other than the man known throughout Russia as Rasputin. Moreover, you watched as he cast some sort of portal and took Anastasia away from the Winter Palace, most likely years before you ever got there. You were also introduced to the Great Explorers Society, but only had a little contact with them.

+ The Great Explorers Society and The Orient Express

In this game, you were sent on a train excursion through Europe to win over the trust of J.D. Pritchard to buy his original copy of the 1001 Arabian Nights. Unfortunately, it seemed that he was murdered on the train during the trip, and you set out to find out who did it. You solved many puzzles until finally, you determined the culprit was none other than Pritchard faking his death. It was all a test to see if you were prepared to go into his magical book and retrieve Aladdin’s Lamp. He opens a portal and convinces you to go through. You fall into the book and land somewhere in a desert with little clue what comes next.

+ The Sleepy Hollow Saga

During the American Revolution, you are dispatched to a town called Sleepy Hollow to stop a plot on George Washington’s life. The strange little town holds a few dark secrets, and you inadvertently end up helping a witch named Esmerelda summon the Headless Horseman – a demon bent on slaughter. You end up stopping the assassination attempt on George Washington but get sent to Albany. On the way there you stop and have a drink with some strange looking men in the forest. You fall asleep and wake up thirty years later. You return to Sleepy Hollow, where it has become evident that the Horseman still rides, and this time he is not just hunting Englishmen. You discover a love triangle between a schoolmaster, Ichabod Crane, Brom Bones, and Katrina Van Tassel, which has left the first bitter. He originally summoned the Horseman to deal with his romantic rival, but soon Esmerelda’s estranged husband. Olaf returns to lead a cult dedicated to the Horseman. Using his magical abilities, he takes control of the Horseman. He is using the creature to kill the last members of the first families of the land in order to unlock an even greater source of power. You, Esmerelda, and Copper – who had been helpful throughout your time in Sleepy Hollow – set out to stop the Horseman and Olaf. Esmerelda’s desire seemed more focused on used a book, the 1001 Arabian Nights to escape the torment Olaf had brought her over the years. After Copper is shot, she activates the book, creating a portal. You go to help Copper, but are shot, and fall through the portal. You end up in the desert with no idea how to get home.